
Burrito walletโ€™s friend


What's the difference between a nickname and a ID?

Use of the service is confirmed by your username, and your nickname is used as your active name.
In the Burrito app, you can use your registered username to chat with friends in the chat room, send tokens, and make NTF transfers.
You can also add friends by talking in the chat with your nickname, which is your active name.
You can also use your username to select the receiving wallet when adding friends or sending tokens.
You can only have one username per Burrito Wallet account and it cannot be changed, but you can change your nickname freely.

How do I add friends?

The ability to add friends is located in the main Burrito Wallet app under "Friends" in the bottom menu.
  1. Tap the 'Add Friend+' button at the top of the screen.
  1. Select one of the following options: QR code, Add contact, Add by ID, or Recommended friend.
  1. You'll see a message saying 'Adding a friend is complete'.
If you see 'Your friend hasn't installed Burrito yet. Would you like us to send you an invitation?", a message window will appear.
In that window, you can send an invitation message by sharing the link to install the Burrito wallet.
For more information on how to add friends, see :Burrito Wallet user guide > Adding friends.

What can I do with my Burrito Wallet friend?

Once you add a friend from your recommended friends list, you can message them in a chat room. In the chat room, you can send and receive GIFs, files (voice, photos), and assets (tokens, NFTs).
To send assets (tokens, NFTs) between friends, you don't need to register your friend's wallet address, you can simply send them from the chat room. However, there is a transfer fee for sending assets. When you add friends, you can also see their NFT collections.
You can block unwanted conversations or transactions with the Block Friends feature.

I can't send money to my friend!

The sending friend must accept the transfer, and the receiving friend must Run the transfer to complete the transfer.
If the sender does not execute the transfer even after accepting the transfer, the transaction will not be completed.
If the time limit of 1 hour is exceeded, the transaction will expire and you will need to proceed to send tokens again.

Can I send money in a group chat room instead of a 1:1 chat room?

You can't send assets in group chats that aren't 1:1 chats. Additional features (GIFs, Albums, Camera, Voice) are available except for sending.

I want to block a friend!

If you receive a conversation request from someone who is not a friend, or if you receive a conversation that you don't want, you can block the conversation using the Block Friends feature.
If you receive a conversation from someone who is not a friend, select the Block button at the top of the conversation window.
If you accidentally block a friend, you can unblock them by selecting ...more at the top of the Friends tab, then selecting 'unblock' on the Manage blocked friends screen.

I want to delete a friend from a chat room!

  • If you want to delete a friend that has already been added, follow these steps
  1. Go to the 'Friends' tab at the bottom of the screen.
  1. Find the friend you want to delete in the list.
  1. Swipe left on the friend in the list and a delete popup will appear.
  1. Tap the 'Delete' button and the friend will disappear from your list.

Can I report it?

To click "Report" from the user's profile screen, press the More button in the top right corner of the screen.
After selecting the reason for the report, you will see a 'Report received' notification and the report will be filed.
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How many Chats can I create?

There is no limit to the number of chat conversations you can create.